1 Corinthians

Corinthians (1 and 2) were written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth in response to several issues that had come to his attention regarding their controversial practices there.  Paul stayed a year and a half building the church in Corinth, as the church there prospered initially. The church in Corinth was soon beset by many challenges, though. The city of Corinth was a major metropolis, full of temptation.  Sexual immorality and an inflated view of their own wisdom were major problems in Corinth, besides which, false teachers had arisen that cast doubt on the teaching Paul had left them.  Paul’s letters to the church of Corinth are some of the earliest Epistles, probably written about two years before the letter to the Romans.  These letters are of great value to the church in America, which faces many of the same challenges as the Corinthians, with great blessings and great temptations as a result.  Feel free to weigh in here with any thoughts or questions that occur to you as you read.


Romans was written by the Apostle Paul, and is his longest and deepest letter. In Romans we have the basic doctrine of salvation laid out more thoroughly than anywhere else in Scripture, and “The Romans Road” is a classic approach for evangelism. Romans 3:21-31 played an important part in Martin Luther’s personal discovery of the Gospel as well. Another major theme of Romans is the relationship between Jews and Gentiles in God’s plan of salvation, which was a major issue in the early church. In our day, this could be read in terms of people who grew up in the church versus those who do not come from a church background.

First Sunday 

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that this Sunday December 4th will be our first group meeting over our reading. it will take place on the fellowship hall following 2nd service. 

Feel free to bring a sack lunch or snack!